Happy Engineer's Day : Bhagwan Shri Vishwakarma & Bharat Ratna Shri Mokshagundam Vishweshvaraya

 " At its heart, engineering is about using science to find creative, practical solutions. It is a noble profession. "
Shri Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya was a notable Indian engineer, scholar, statesman and the Diwan of Mysore during 1912 to 1918. 

भारत के सर्वोच्च सम्मान भारत रत्न से विभूषित सर मोक्षगुंडम विश्वेश्वरैया जी की जयंती पर नमन | भारत में उनका जन्मदिन अभियन्ता दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है।

He was a recipient of the Bharatiya Republic's highest honour, the Bharat Ratna, in 1955. He was knighted as a Knight Commander of the Indian Empire (KCIE) by King George V for his contributions to the public good. Every year, 15 September is celebrated as Engineer's Day in Bharat in his memory. He is held in high regard as a pre-eminent engineer of Bharat. He was the chief designer of the flood protection system for the city of Hyderabad in Telangana, as well as the chief engineer responsible for the construction of the Krishna Raja Sagara dam in Mandya.

Sir M.V. was awarded honorary Membership of London Institution of Civil Engineers for an unbroken 50 years. He was awarded several honorary doctoral degrees like D.Sc., LL.D., D.Litt. from eight universities in Bharat. He was president of the 1923 Session of the Indian Science Congress.
“World-class” engineers denotes the engineers of tomorrow with a broad range of competencies and skills to synthesize new ideas; and develop new processes and technologies to address contemporary challenges to suit global needs anywhere in the world. The word “World-class” is a relative term and is very difficult to define as there is no datum or fixed standard to classify any engineering work as “World-class”. The phrase has different connotations in countries from different categories, viz. Developed, Developing and Under-developed, based on their economic and social standards.However, the engineers, who are the harbinger of development of any country, always strive for enrichment of their knowledge and skill to upgrade the quality of life and their performance. 

🙏🙏 Bhagwan Shri Vishwakarma - The Divine Architect and Shilpa Sashtra ,  Ancient Indian Text of Architecture & Engineering 🙏🙏

being Engineer in professional life , for me its an fantastic day,
Bhagwan  Shri Vishwakarma - the deity of all craftsman and architects endow upon you his virtue and goodwill. 
On this auspicious day, may you be blessed with more technical skills and creativity. Happy Vishwakarma Day 

⚙️🔧 The
 Engineering Community across India is celebrating Engineers Day on 15th and 17th September every year as a remarkable tribute to the God of engineer Bhagwan Shri Viswakarma and the greatest Indian Engineer Bharat Ratna Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya (popularly known as Sir MV). 

Viśwákarma (Sanskrit for "all-accomplishing, maker of all, all-doer") is personification of creation and the abstract form of the creator God according to the Rigveda. He is the presiding deity of all Vishwakarma (caste), engineers, priests artisans and architects. 
He is believed to be the "Principal Architect of the Universe ", and the root concept of the later Upanishadic figures of Brahman and Purusha.

Vishwakarma is visualized as Ultimate reality (later developed as Brahman) in the Rig Veda, from whose navel all visible things Hiranyagarbha emanate. 
The same imagery is seen in Yajurveda purusha sukta, in which the divine smith Tvastar emerging from Vishwakarma. 
In the later puranic period this concept paved the way to the imagery of Padmanabha and Sadasiva.

Since Vishwakarma is the divine engineer of the world, as a mark of reverence, he is not only worshiped by the engineering and architectural community but also by all professionals. It is customary for craftsmen to worship their tools in his name.
The Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated in all parts of India, especially in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Odisha, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Manipur & Tamil Nadu .

Shilpa Shastras literally means the Science of Shilpa (Arts, Crafts and Architecture) :
The Vedas codified the engineering sciences with construction-be it at individual level (house, farm yard, etc) or at macro level (village, town, city planning, forts, irrigation, roads, canals etc), grouped under generic field of knowledge called Sthapathya Veda (Science of Forms) or Shilpa Veda (Science of Creation). 
Sthapthya Veda is the Upa Veda (supplementary branch) for Atharva Veda. 
Within Sthapathya Veda the planning, designing, construction of individual houses, farms, and villages, towns, cities, roads, canals, parks, irrigation, public works etc are codified under Vasthu Sasthra (Science of Structural Formations). The planning, engineering, designing, of community places of worship, temples, sacrificial altars are codified under Agama Sasthra (Science of Temple Construction and Architecture).
The knowledge for most part of the time handed over through the oral tradition of learning Shruthi , has to be printed and preserved before the knowledgeable persons in these fields completely vanish. 
Due largely to the lack of support from mainstream academicians, limitations of language and the governmental negligence towards those who can interpret the texts, explain the science and art of the process of the construction these knowledge is vanishing fast.

It is an ancient umbrella term for numerous Hindu texts that describe arts, crafts, and their design rules, principles and standards. In the context of temple design, Shilpa Shastras were manuals for sculpture and Hindu iconography, prescribing among other things, the proportions of a sculptured figure, composition, principles, meaning, as well as rules of architecture.
Sixty-four techniques for such arts or crafts, sometimes called bāhya-kalā "external or practical arts", are traditionally enumerated, including carpentry, architecture, jewellery, farriery, acting, dancing, music, medicine, poetry etc., besides sixty-four abhyantara-kalā or "secret arts"' which include mostly "erotic arts" such as kissing, embracing, etc. (Monier-Williams s.v. śilpa).
While Shilpa and Vastu Shastras are related, Shilpa Shastras deal with arts and crafts such as forming statues, icons, stone murals, painting, carpentry, pottery, jewellery, dying, textiles and others. 
Vastu Shastras deal with building architecture - building houses, forts, temples, apartments, village and town layout, etc.

Shilpa (शिल्प) refers to any art or craft in ancient Indian texts, while Shastra means science. Together, Shilpa Shastra means the science of art and crafts. The ancient Sanskrit texts use the term Shilpin (शिल्पिन्, male artist)[6] and Shilpini (शिल्पिनी, female artist)[7] for artists and crafts person, while Shilpani refers to works of arts of man.
Shilpani, works of art of man,
imitate the divine forms,
by employing their rhythms,
they metrically reconstitute,
and interpret the limitless knowledge,
of the sacred hymns,
from the limits of being human.
— Aitareya Brahmana, Rig Veda, 6.5.27
The meaning of Shilpa, according to Stella Karmrisch, is complex. She writes that it consists of "art, skill, craft, labor, ingenuity, rite and ritual, form and creation.”
The range of crafts encompassed by the term Shilpa extends to every aspect of culture, includes sculptor, the potter, the perfumer, the wheelwright, the painter, the weaver, the architect, the dancer, the musician, the arts of love, and others. Ancient Indian texts assert that the number of the arts is unlimited, they deploy sixty four kala’’ (कला, techniques) and thirty two vidyas’’ (विद्या, fields of knowledge). 
Shilpa is discussed in Agamas, Puranas and Vastu Shastra where it is linked to the Bhagwan Vishvakarma.

🛠️  Shilpa
 shastra in painting:
Shilpa Shastras include chapters on paintings, both miniature and large. 
For example, Narad Shilpa Shastra dedicates chapters 66 and 71 to painting, while Saraswati Shilpa Shastra describes various types of chitra (full painting), ardhachitra (sketch work), chitrabhasa (communication through painting), varna samskara (preparation of colors).
Other ancient Shilpa Shastra on painting include Vishnudharmottara Purana and Chitralakshana, former is available in Sanskrit while the only surviving copies of latter are in Tibetan (both were originally written on birch bark, and have been translated into English and German). 
These Sanskrit treatises discuss the following aspects of a painting: measurement, proportions, perspective of the viewer, mudra, emotions, and rasa (meaning). Such an approach of Indian paintings, states Isabella Nardi, make Shilpa Shastra not only canonical textual sources but also a means to transmit knowledge and spiritual themes.
Shilpa Shastra in carpentry:
The first chapter of Shilpa Shastra Manasara discusses the measurement principles for carpentry. 
The 9th-century version of Mayamata text of Tamil Nadu and 16th Century version of Shilparatna of Odisha describe takshaka and vardhaki as wood Shilpins; takshaka possesses the knowledge of wood types and practices the art of cutting wood, while vardhaki possesses the knowledge of wood forms and practices the art of carpentry. 
One of the earliest mentions of carpentry arts is in Book 9, Chapter 112 of Rig Veda. 
Carpentry was also an essential Shilpa Shastra during the construction of a Hindu temple.
Shilpashastra in metallurgy:
The 4th-century CE 99.7% pure Iron pillar in Delhi reflecting the metal-related shilpa in ancient India. 
The pillar was moved and reinstalled near Qutb complex about 1000 years later. The upper part of the pillar remains without any rust damage; the lower, reinstalled in-ground part shows signs of rust.
The Vedas, in particular Atharva veda and Sthapatya veda, describe many kinds of arts and crafts in their discussion of Shilpa Shastra and Yantra Sarvasva. 
The Rig veda, states Ravi, mentions equipment used in casting, such as dhamatri (cupola), gharma aranmaya (crucible) and bhastri (blower). These discussions are in the context of making idols, and describe rules to achieve best talmana (proportions), mudra (stance) and bhava (expression).
Sanskrit texts such as Shilparatna and Manasara describe in detail the process and principles for art work with metals, particularly for alloys such as pancha dhatu (five metals - zinc, tin, copper, silver and gold) and ashta dhatu (eight metal alloys - which adds iron, lead and mercury to pancha dhatu). Madhuchista Vidhana (cire perdue or lost wax) casting process is the most discussed process in these ancient shilpa shastras with metals. Kirk suggests that these Shastras diffused from India to other ancient cultures in Asia.
While there is empirical evidence of high purity metallurgy and art works with other metals, some ancient Shilpa Shastras have been lost. For example, the 5th century Iron Pillar of Delhi, which stands 23 feet, weighs 6 tonnes and contains 99.72% iron without showing any signs of rust, is empirical evidence of the state of metallurgical arts in 5th century India.

Shilpa Shastra education in ancient India:
All arts were the domain of all classes, castes and both genders in ancient India. The ancient texts of Parashara states that all crafts were practised by anyone irrespective of family’s occupation. 
The Buddhist Jatakas’’ mention Brahmin carpenters, the 4th century text Baudhayana’’ describes chariot builders, carpenters, brick-workers, potters and metal workers from people of people classified as Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Suttavibhanga describes builders and wheelwrights born to Shudra father and Brahmin mother.
The goldsmiths of Maharashtra included children born in cattle herding families.
Apprentices joined and trained under masters. The best were adopted and recognised as members of various art guilds.
The training began from childhood, and included studies about dharma, culture, reading, writing, mathematics, geometry, colors, tools, as well as trade secrets - these were called Tradition.

Shilpins had formed Śreni (guilds) in ancient India. Each guild formed its own laws and code of conduct, one the ancient Hindu and Buddhist kings of India respected by tradition. In some cases, the king established the laws of the guilds; in some cases, the king’s treasurer had the final word and served as judge of various guilds in a kingdom.
These guilds, in the 1st millennium CE, included all those who practiced the art irrespective of the artist’s caste or creed.
The income of each guild came from fees paid by new members joining the guild, from fines on those violating the code of conduct established by the guild, and levies on tools used for that art. The guilds also performed charity and gifted collective works of art by their members to temples and other social works. During festivals and social celebrations, each guild would contribute their own performance and pavilions with flags and emblems.

Art is spiritual:
Creative work and artists were granted the sanctions of a sacrament in ancient Indian culture, states Stella Kramrisch.
An artist expresses the spiritual and holiness in his or her art. This belief continues to manifest itself in modern India in the form of rituals, where in an autumn festival (Dashahra), craftsmen in parts of India worship their tools with incense, flowers and unhusked rice.
Brhat Samhita at verses 57.10-11 describes the practice of carpenters offering prayers and seeking forgiveness of a tree before cutting it for wood. The axe used to cut the tree would be rubbed with honey and butter to minimize the hurt to the tree which was considered to be a living being. Craft was seen as application of essence of Purusha (Universal Principles) to parts of nature so as to transform it into a work of art.

⚙️🔩🛠️🔧  Treatises
 on Shilpa Shastras:
Some known Shilpa Shastras-related manuscripts including 65 Scriptures , some of them are -
1. Mayashastra (image printing, wall decoration)
2. Bimbamana (painting)
3. Sukratniti (pratima - murti or vigraha making, icon design)
4. Suprabhedagama
5. Vishnu dharmottara purana (literature, music, theatre, dance, painting, sculpture, iconography, architecture)
6. Agamas (have chapters on other shilpa shastras)
7. Agni purana (iconography)
8. Brahmanda purana (mostly architecture, some sections on arts)
9. Vastu vidya
10. Pratima lakshana vidhanam.
11. Atriyam
12. Mayamatam (construction - architecture, vehicles, etc.)
13. Brhat Samhita
14. Shilpa ratnam
15. Matsya purana
16. Garuda purana
17. Kashyapa shilpashastra
18. Bhavishya purana (mostly architecture, some sections on arts)
19. Alankara shastra
20. Artha shastra (general crafts such as windows and doors, as well as public utilities)
21. Chitra kalpa (ornaments)
22. Maya shilpashastra (in Tamil)
23. Vastusutra Upanishad (oldest known Sanskrit Shilpa Shastra text)
24. Cilappatikaaram (a 2nd-century Tamil classic on music and dance, sections on musical instruments)
25. Vishvakarma shilpa (arts on columns, wood working)
26. Agastya (wood based arts and crafts)
27. Anangaranga (erotic arts)
28. Kamasutra (artistic activities)
29. Rati rahasya (erotic arts)
30. Kandarpa chudamani (erotic arts)
31. Natya shastra (theatre, dance, music, fragments on painting and sculpture)
32. Samaymatrka (textile arts)   ⚙️🔩🛠️🔧

Live Example of Vedic engineering of stone curving  Located
 in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, 
Dedicated to  Mahadev Shiva.
This unfinished temple is believed to have been built during the 8th century CE by Pandyas.
This rock-cut architecture is an exemplary of early Pandyan Art.
Vettuvan Kovil
Kalugumalai, TN

🕉 Amazing Zodiac Pillars of 14th Century Vidyashankara Temple – Sringeri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamnaya Sharada Peetham Founded by Adi Guru Shankaracharya, in "Sringeri", Karnataka  🚩🕉️💕💓🙏
🕉 💓 Vidyashankara temple stands on 12 Zodiac pillars or Rashi Stambhas-Zodiac Signs are carved on these & aligned with Sun movement through different zodiac signs thro the year. Engineering marvel is whichever zodiac the sun is in, the first rays of sun fall on that pillar 💓💐🕉️🚩🙏

🕉 Dakshinamnaya Sringeri Sharada Peetha architectural marvel is one of the 4 Advaita Vedanta Mathas established by Adi ShankaracharyaJi on Tunga River banks dedicated to Bhagawan Shiva (Vidyashankara)& to Ma Saraswati (Sharada Amba) 🕉️💓🚩🙏

If you are reading this post, 
I am sure that You are an Engineer. 
No matter either you are a software Engineer,Mechanical Engineer, Civil engineer or Electronics Engineer! There are always funny things happens around us. I know’s some of these funny and interesting facts about engineers, I hope you like it! 🙂

Funny Facts About Engineers

1. For engineers every course apart from engineering is easy

2. An engineer has the power of getting up at 9.45 am and reaching the class at 10.00 am.

3. T-shirt and jeans are engineer’s national dress and Maggi is the national food.
4. A normal person will fix the broken things but an engineer will first break a thing and then he would fix it.

5. An engineer can build a car spaceship and they even can make time machine. However, he just can’t build a relationship with a girl.

6. An engineer doesn’t care for the rise in price of petrol or gold but he gets mad when cold drinks costs Rs.12.0 instead of 10.0

7. An engineer loves to solve a problem. If there is no problem, then he will create one and would start solving it.

8. An engineer can derive any relation just give them the final expression

9. Are you made of copper(CU) and tellurium(TE), because you’re CUTE
This is how engineers flirt

10. An engineers’s worst nightmare is lecturer taking the class but not taking the attendance.

11. An engineer can finish his syllabus in one night.

12. An Engineer knows nothing, but only an Engineer knows this.

13. An Engineer will never sleep in night and will never wake up in morning

14. An Engineer is the most innocent person in front of his parents.

15. Never argue with an engineer because arguing with Engineers is like killing the mosquito on your cheek, you might or might not kill it, but you’ll end up slapping yourself.

16. The most common dialogue on the opening day of an engineering college is, “Bhai wo dekh teri Bhabhi..!”

17. No one can speak better English than an engineer who is having cup of coffee in his hand.

18. There is always a hidden folder in engineer’s laptop…(contains HD X movies)

19. Girls in Mechanical and Civil Department are like 404 errors. They are not & never found.

20. You can’t just get out of the vicious circle of ATKTs and backlogs.

21. Your grades depend on the mood of the paper checker!

22. Engineers starts exam preparation one day before the exam

Hope, out of those many funny things happens to you during college. Don’t forget to share your experiences with everyone who reads these funny facts about Engineers. I will share best experiences in the post with their name 🙂

Don’t forget to share it. Proud to be an Engineer…

 Wish a happy Engineer Day to all lovely Engineer...

Santoshkumar B Pandey at 9.15Am.


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